Measures of Entropy

What is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of information for a random variable. Entropy is often presented in units of bits. Random events that are likely to happen carry fewer bits of information than random events that occur infrequently.

One view of entropy is the optimal bit encoding of the outcome of a random variable. Suppose I needed to transmit to you the winner of a checkers tournament. If there were 32 players in this tournament, each with equal chances of winning, I could encode the outcome as:

Winner Encoding
Player 1 00000
Player 2 00001
Player 3 00010
Player 4 00011
Player 5 00100
…… ……
Player 31 11110
Player 32 11111

Due to the uniform outcome the result of the tournament has higher entropy and there is no better bit encoding of winner.

We could do better if Player 1 was highly favored to win. We could encode “Player 1” in fewer bits (say, 1 bit) and encode other players in more bits (say, 6). Dependent on exactly how probable Player 1's victory is, encoding the outcome of this tournament could be more efficient than the 5-bit encoding above. The tournament where Player 1 is favored has less entropy since the winner is more predictable.

Entropy can be measured in multiple ways. Some measurements only rely on the number of possible outcomes while others factor in the probability of each possible outcome . Others only measure specific properties of the random variable . This post explores multiple entropy measurements and how they differ.

Hartley entropy

Hartley entropy is a simple measurement that only relies on the cardinality of the set of possible outcomes. Hartley entropy assumes the distribution of outcomes are uniform.

import math

def hartley_entropy(outcome_set, base=2):
    set_cardinality = len(outcome_set)
    return math.log(set_cardinality, base)

coin_toss = {'heads', 'tails'}
dice_roll = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
hartley_entropy(coin_toss) #=> 1.0 bits
hartley_entropy(dice_roll) #=> 2.58 bits

Shannon entropy

Shannon entropy is a generalization of Hartley entropy. Shannon entropy takes the probability of each outcome into account given an “average” measure of entropy across all outcomes. Given a uniform set of outcomes, Shannon entropy is equivalent to Hartley entropy.

def shannon_entropy(outcome_dict, base=2):
    entropy = 0
    for _, probability in outcome_dict.items():
        entropy += probability * math.log(probability, base)
    return -entropy

# uniform coin toss
coin_toss = {'heads': 1/2., 'tails': 1/2.}
shannon_entropy(coin_toss) #=> 1.0 bits, same as hartley_entropy

biased_coin_toss = {'heads': 3/4., 'tails': 1/4.}
shannon_entropy(biased_coin_toss) #=> .81 bits, less than the fair coin

Conditional entropy

Conditional entropy is a generalization on Shannon entropy. While Shannon entropy does factor in the probability of each outcome it assumes that each outcome occurs independently from one another. Conditional entropy is a measure of uncertainty given known outcomes. If two events are correlated then knowing one event happened would lower the entropy of the other.


Min-entropy is a measure of the entropy of the most likely outcome. Constrast this with Shannon entropy which is a measure of the average outcome.

When a random variable has uniform outcomes, the min-entropy is the same as the Shannon entropy (and the Hartley entropy). However, min-entropy is less forgiving when dealing with biased outcomes. Recall the Shannon entropy from the biased coin toss above (.81 bits). The min-entropy of that outcome is calculated as:

-math.log(3/4., 2)

Which is only about .42 bits of entropy which is much lower than the Shannon entropy calculation.

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