Subgroup Confinement Attacks

The Pohlig-Hellman algorithm is a efficient method of solving the discrete log problem for groups whose order is a smooth integer. A smooth integer is just an integer whose prime factorization consists of small prime numbers.

Pohlig-Hellman could be used to efficiently recover private keys from broken (EC)DH implementations. There are some cryptopals exercise that use it (its in set 8). This attack is often referred to as a subgroup confinement attack. It's really cool. (I do not plan on covering the algorithm here Wikipedia has a pretty good walkthrough of the algorithm).

Something that initially tripped me up was that subgroup confinement works in multiple contexts. When looking up the algorithm in most textbooks (or, you know, Wikipedia) Pohlig-Hellman takes advantage of a single element whose order is a smooth integer. In other words, we want to solve h = g^x (mod m) with knowledge of h, g, and m. If the order of g is smooth, we can recover bits of x with only a single element h. This is the “offline” case. You could think of this applying to some packet capture of an awful TLS implementation for a server that has since been shutdown. If all goes well, just having access to the pcap could lead to private key recovery.

Another context for subgroup confinement leverages an “online” oracle. In this context, the target implementation could accept malicious group elements g and respond with h = g^x (mod m). Dependent on the properties of m the attacker could generate different values for g that make solving for h easy(ish). This would apply to (for example) a live TLS server that an attacker is sending evil values to.

When I was initially working on this attack, I was applying an offline algorithm to an online context. Once I figured out why my code was borked, it was enlightening to think about subgroup confinement from an offline/online perspective.

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